Monday, September 2, 2013

Fall Kick Off 2013

Hello Again!!
It's been a long time, I know. If you think that it meant that nothing was going on at MAC, then you were mistaken!

Plenty has gone on this year including 5-Day Clubs in August, which was a raging success as well as a lot of fun for both children and volunteers. Sisters from Edmonton came to help us out and told Bible stories with their unique style and personalities. They also motivated us to learn verses, sang songs with a little more flair than our usual and were all around fun gals. They even let the kids pie them in the face as a reward for getting 80 lessons (between them all) done during the week!  Good work kids and thanks for all you did, to Grace and Gwenneth. Lives were changed as we saw kids make decisions to follow Christ, some for the first time and others renew their young faith.

The Fall has arrived much to early for some. It means getting back to the busy life as most know it. It also means a lot of fun activities are to be had in our area. Our church is included in that. We plan to Kick off the Fall Season on Sept 15th. The Morning Service will start at the regular time of 11am and there will be a fantastic BBQ Beef lunch done after the service. A potluck of salads and desserts with accompany beef done by Albin Swanson who is promising his secret sauce recipe for BBQ Beef. Many in the area have come to know what that means, though I personally am itching to try it for my first time. After the lunch we will be hanging out with some possible games for the kids and visiting for everyone else. Please do feel free to join us. We will be announcing some of the activities going on in the next season and we are excited about them.

We seek to worship Christ our Lord together at every Sunday and welcome you to join us. God is doing some great things in and through His Church. Other activities and times together will include prayer meeting, Worship Team practices, Small groups, Kids' Club, Club ConNEXTion (Youth), Adult Sunday School, and more.

You can contact Pastor Richard at 780-847-3969

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Just Come on In

It's summertime, though technically still spring. We love this time of year. Sports are not always interfering with people's ability to come to church and our little church feels BIGGER with all the awesome commotion created by the little ones coming with their parents. We are just so excited to see more young families come from the community.

Community is being built here, within our family of God. Acquaintences are becoming friends and relationships are blossoming. That's what it's about. God's family being FAMILY!!  We are watching little ones get to know each other and enjoy the company of more.

As we worship the, little rumblings or chatter from little voices that don't know how to keep it down can make it more challenging to hear the words of the teacher. I have appreciated the understanding from everyone involved. The respect given to let parents parent their children has been encouraging.  Pastor Richard loves having children in the service so he is working on breaking his sermon into pieces that relate to both the older, more mature in the crowd and those in a younger bracket too. The rise and fall hum of the children reminds us that the Gospel is being heard and that people are coming to hear it. Let's embrace all age groups and realize what depth of maturity and wisdom can be had from the older ones, and the excitment and optimism that flows from the younger one's lives and mouths. We can all embrace what we bring to the community. That''s why I LOVE our church. MAC is showing me what it means to change, grow, support and embrace transition.

We are coming together and thrilled to open our doors to whomever is seeking the Truth, the Family of God, who are eager to accept anyone who comes to our place of worship.

God does not seek the perfect, he seeks those in need of Him. We as his family embrace the lost, needy and the broken We know the One who finds lost people, we love the One who mends the broken. The One who gives to the needy is not far away.

If you were wondering about what goes on here, just walk in the doors.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Clubbing with the kids

Club DJ is just around the corner!!

Yes, Club DJ is making a comeback this year. We can hardly wait to start it up again! We have had such a great two years and look forward to what this year holds.

If you are interested in joining us this year, here is the information you need.

Registration Night is Oct.2nd at 6:30pm. Come on out to register and enjoy a treat.

Ages heard that right!  We are including a Jr High group (Gr.6-8) this year with a different format for the kids who want to continue but also need a little more substance. It's going to be called "Club ConNEXTion". We are super excited to offer this for this coming year. Tell your friends. It's going to be great!

First official night is Tuesday Oct.16 at 6:30-8pm. A schedule of all Club nights will be available. It will be held on Tuesdays this year.

Where?....HERE of course! Marwayne Alliance Church

There is a $25 fee for each child, up to $75 per family. Help is available if needed.

Ready? Set? GO!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Five Day Clubs

We just came off a week of Five Day Clubs. Child Evangelism Fellowship has sent us a worker for the past three summers now. It has really worked for our church to have someone come in and do the stories and memory program. We have provided games, snack and crafts and have seen the kids have an absolute blast together!  Jesus Christ is definitely proclaimed and the Word is "preached" in a very understandable way. Kids are coming into the church and beginning relationship with our Creator. How much more exciting could it be???

We have had fun every year and completely appreciate each and every volunteer who makes it possible. You guys are awesome!!

We may try a different format next year, possibly within the town itself instead of at the church where parents must drive their kids. The church is just a teensy bit far and across a highway so that kids cannot just walk to it unsupervised. Having it within the town itself would lend to having more kids being able to walk on over and enjoy the  morning. We'll see what happens!!

Pictures from last year's fun

Friday, August 17, 2012

The first post for Marwayne Alliance Church

I am just getting this set up as a temporary website to see how many hits we get from those seeking information. I am at the baby stages. Let me know what you would like to see in a website/blog. We do have a FB account now as well. Getting our info out there is a start. I will be posting times, events and reviews of those events as often as I can.